
Schools & Kindergartens

Understanding architecture – interactively, inspirationally, experimentally and creatively

Group of school students wearing orange jackets sitting beside a lake

Educational programme for schools and kindergartens
© Architekturzentrum Wien

The architecture education service of the Architekturzentrum Wien puts together educational programs for each exhibition as well as organizing excursions in the urban area for all school levels and kindergartens.

The focal point of the excursions and workshops is a communicative and active examination of architecture. Essentially, the service we offer takes an experimental approach and appeals to the senses, it is “hands-on”, and includes practical work. The contents and methods are tailored to meet the individual needs of the group. An interactive and dialogue-oriented view of architecture promotes the powers of association and develops students’ ability to express themselves verbally.

Pre-academic work

We are happy to advise and help with identifying themes and questions for pre-academic work in schools.