sundays 176
innovative accommodation – in and around vienna
A glance behind the scenes of top class hotels and restaurants is provided by sundays, which has a summer mood. A cosy living room-lobby and 9 rooms on the Beletage provide inner-city flair. Trade fair-compatible but still special: the ‘offbeat’ building for the new Messehotel presents fine details inside and out with its concave plaza frontage on the Messeareal, the Viennese trade fair grounds. The ‘Architecture Hotel’ Loisium does not only provide for wellness and culinary delights, but architectural ones too.
* 176-01 Hollmann’s Beletage, Vienna-Inner City: cp architektur, 2003
* 176-02 Hotel Messe Wien, Vienna-Leopoldstadt: Hermann Czech, 2005
* 176-03 Hotel Loisium: Steven Holl, 2005
Architects, experts:
Christian Prasser (cp architektur)
Hermann Czech
Franz Sam (sam ottreinisch)
Christiana Hess (Hotel Loisium)
Tour guide: Gudrun Hausegger
Tickets include cold buffet and wine-tasting on the terrace of the Hotel Loisium.
Meeting point 1.45pm at the Az W Shop / return: 10pm