sonntags 226
home looks like this (XIII)
A Solitaire in a courtyard of Vienna-Mariahilf, two examples of the new settlers movement in Donaustadt and a gem of a single-family house in Klosterneuburg: in the popular format of the series ‘so schauts haus’, the excursion provides insights into the living rooms of selected buildings for the 13th time.
* 226-01 Millergasse courtyard house, Vienna-Mariahilf / Froetscher Lichtenwagner, 2008
* 226-02 Heustadelgasse housing estate, Vienna-Donaustadt: Pichler & Traupmann Architekten ZT GmbH, BUWOG und AH, 2009
* 226-03 Sophie-Scholl-Gasse garden estate, Vienna-Donaustadt: Helmut Wimmer, Heimbau, 2009
* 226-04 Wohnhaus P apartment building, Klosterneuburg, NÖ: Caramel Architekten ZT GmbH, 2008
meeting at 12 noon, Az W Shop / departure 12.15pm from the Az W entranceway / ends at 4.30 Az W
Froetscher Lichtenwagner
Pichler & Traupmann Architekten
Helmut Wimmer Architekten
Caramel Architekten
tour guide: Karen Allmer
coordination: Marion Kuzmany