
Richard Buckminster Fuller’s World Game Lab

A cooperation between the RBF-I Austria with the Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation and the Architekturzentrum Wien.

Fri 14.10.2011 – Sat 15.10.2011

Richard Buckminster Fuller's World Game Lab
© Nikolai Vassiliev

(in German)

register for the workshops exclusively at:
further details:

Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) was a visionary whose utopias have become reality today: a proponent of a networked world as opposed to a hierarchic one; an early endorser of the build it yourself culture; pioneer of the connection between man and environment. In the 1930s Buckminster Fuller began to experiment with new ways of depicting the planet. This culminated in the geodesic construction or the Dymaxion map, which enabled the 3D world to be presented in a 2D form with a minimum of distortion. This map enabled a better understanding of our ‘home’ while being a practical tool for illustrating distances and interrelationships on our planet plausibly and making them easier to understand. It also makes issues relating to the distribution of resources easier to address. This series of lectures and workshops engages critically with the so-called Dymaxion map — an arena for geomapping and games theory, a tool for conveying information on the givens and current state of our planet.

Friday 14.10.2011

5pm welcome address:
Brigitte Eisl, Az W
Monika Pessler, Kiesler Foundation, Vienna
Thomas Thurner, Buckminster Fuller Institute — Austria
5:30pm Enrique Guitart, Buckminster Fuller Institute — Austria, introduction: In Passion for the Future
6pm Gerfried Stocker, Ars Electronica Festival, lecture: Datenwelt — Weltdaten (Data World — World Data)
6:45pm break
7pm Harald Katzmair, FAS.research, lecture: Vernetzte Systeme — vernetzte Welt (Networked Systems — Networked World)

Saturday 15.10.2011

2pm Joachim Krausse, Internationales Kolleg der Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie Weimar, keynote speech: Der Sinn für Signifikanz. Buckminster Fullers Datenlese, Projektion und Prognostik (A Sense for Significance. Buckminster Fuller’s Reading of Data, Projections and Prognoses)
3:45pm break
4pm workshop: Lightning Talks
Oliver Schürer
Corinne Studer
Hofstetter Kurt
Peter Nageler
Teresa Siegel
Leo Sauermann
Simon Oberhammer
Alexandra Strickner
5pm workshop: Sprinting the World Game… group workshops, assembly, break

from 9pm The Buckminster Fuller Insomnia Night: screenings, reading, performance

Impressions from the event ‘Richard Buckminster Fuller’s World Game Lab’, October 14 2011.