Panel Discussion

Az W Topical: everything stays in flux!

panel discussion

Wed 29.02.2012, 19:00-21:00

Az W Topical: everything stays in flux!
© Nikolaus Korab

a cooperation by the Plattform für Baukultur with the Az W

in German

welcome address: Dietmar Steiner, director of the Az W introduction: Jakob Dunkl and Bernhard Steger, Plattform Baukulturstatement: Maria Vassilakou, Executive City Councillor for Urban Planning, Traffic & Transport, Climate Protection and Public Participation
Maria Vassilakou answers questions of representatives of Viennese architecture institutions
The audience is invited to take part in the discussion.

moderated by Jakob Dunkl and Bernhard Steger, Plattform Baukultur

Urban Development Policy on the Test Bench: In February 2011 Maria Vassilakou formulated her 10-point agenda. One year later it is time for a preliminary stock-take:

How realistic is her programme?
What has changed in this first year? What political solutions have already been instigated, and what should we expect for the future?

Maria Vassilakou has been invited to answer these and other questions, and to hold an open discussion with the audience.

admission free

The event ‘Az W Topical: everything stays in flux!’, February 29 2012 at the Architekturzentrum Wien.