Panel Discussion

Housing Density?

a cooperation by the Department of Building Construction and Design TU Vienna and the Az W

Wed 07.03.2012, 19:00-21:00

Housing Density?
© Gerhard Steixner

(in German)

welcome address: Dietmar Steiner, director Az W
introduction: Gerhard Steixner, professor, Department of Building Construction and Design, TU Vienna

discussion group:
Herbert Ablinger, chairperson, Chamber of Architects and Consultant Engineers Vienna
Sighard Neckel, professor for sociology, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main
Kurt Puchinger, Head of Planning Vienna Chief Executive Office, Group for Construction and Technology
Marlies Breuss, Holodeck architects
Michaela Trojan, Managing Director wohnfonds_wien (Fund for Housing Construction and Urban Renewal)
moderated by Dietmar Steiner, director Az W

In the winter semester 09/10 more than 300 students at the TU Vienna examined the theme of density in housing in the framework of the studio for building construction. The results of this course, which was supervised by fourteen Austrian architects, are remarkable and will be presented in the publication “Housing Density” from Springer Verlag. Against the background of this book presentation, the TU Vienna Dept. of Building Construction in collaboration with the Az W is organising a discussion on the theme of density in housing.

admission free