Lecture & Discussion:

CULBURB – Cultural Acupuncture Treatment for Suburbs

a cooperation by Soho in Ottakring and the Az W

Thu 22.03.2012, 19:00-21:00

CULBURB – Cultural Acupuncture Treatment for Suburbs
© Wolfgang Schneider

welcome address

Karoline Mayer, Az W
Wolfgang Schneider, Soho in Ottakring


Yvette Vašourková & Igor Kovacevic, CCEA, Prague

short lecture

‘Artistic Interventions create public space’, Werner Fenz, Head of the Insitute for Art in Public Space Styria 2006-2011

short lecture

‘Towards Acupuncture Urbanism – Strategies for Suburbia’, Stefan Gruber, Architect and Professor at the Institute for Art and Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

followed by a discussion with short statements by

Edit András
Angelika Fitz
Tomáš Pospiszyl

The EU project CULBURB deals with the phenomena of suburbanisation in Prague, Budapest, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Warsaw and Vienna. In a response to selected “districts” and their surroundings five “acupuncture treatments” are carried out in each area. These architectural and artistic interventions work with minimal means to achieve a maximum long term effect. In Vienna the project focuses on the Sandleiten neighbourhood.

Despite the number of spatial, social and historical differences between the areas participating in CULBURB similar situations are encountered in many of them, such as a shortage of common practice.

event in English
admission free

Photos from the event ‘CULBURB – Cultural Acupuncture Treatment for Suburbs’, March 22 2012 at the Architekturzentrum Wien.