

Wed 16.10.2013 – Sat 26.10.2013

© Zeyneb Badur: Diplomprojekt Side Rocks - Ein Hafen im Wande l Side, Türkei

As part of archdiploma?13, the best final year projects from the past two years at the Vienna University of Technology Faculty of Architecture and Regional Planning are on show in the Alte Halle at the Az W. The approximately 100 works represent the breadth of the themes and the field of activity covered by the faculty: design works that pursue urban development, architectonic and artistic experimental approaches in a range of scales, as well as theoretical work dedicated to issues relating to the history of building, cultural sciences and construction ecology, technical questions or planning processes. These are presented in the form of models, on interactive screens and bound in book form.

Organised by: Rudolf Scheuvens, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Regional Planning from 2013Curator: Christian Kern, Head of department, three-dimensional design and modelmakingAssistant: Kathrin Dörfler, three-dimensional design and modelmaking
An extensive catalogue is being published to accompany the exhibition.

Supplementary Programme

Fri 18.10.2013, at 7pm, Podium
Panel discussion: The (Un-)Culture of Exhibiting — Generation Portfolio?

Tue 22.10.2013, at 7pm, Podium
Panel discussion: Quo Vadis — What Are Our Graduates Doing Now?

Closing event: 26.10.2013, at 6pm, Alte Halle